Tag Archives: vacation brain


I’ll be vacationing in Dominican Republic for the next week which means I’ll be taking it offline for the next few days. This holiday is just what the doctor ordered. I have some fabulous ladies dropping by to share a few bits and pieces with you and I am super stoked about it… you’ll be in amazing hands.

So for the next few days ill be lounging, cocktailing, sunning, beaching, dancing, eating, laughing….and doing whatever other ings I can think of. Time for me to throw my hair in a top knot, cloak myself in a bikini and kaftan and see you lovelies in a week!

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I cant wait to share all my bits and pieces when I come home!

Jaclyn xox

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Vacation Brain

I have vacation brain. 

 The right side is attempting to sober up from the long weekend while the left side is musing over these…..

J Crew is joining our domestic soil…Yorkdale Summer 2011

Glitter Toms.  If you know me you know that glitter makes me giddy


A truck that delivers “fresh” carbs. Yes please!

A clutch bigger then my skirt and coral shoes

A reason to keep breathing.

I’m painfully getting my sh*t composed, day by day my symptoms of vacation brain are ceasing.  Until I get back to myself I ask forgiveness for my lame-O posts.

5 Ways To Tell You Have Vacation Brain:

  1. you spent the entire weekend in a carb and cocktail induced coma
  2. your partner talks to you and you pretend to listen but really could give a sh*t what he/she is saying
  3. you haven’t brushed your hair in 4 days – you just keeping sticking bobby pins in it to keep your fly-aways at bay
  4. you desire only rich items – carbs (poutine, bread, chips, sundaes), luxurious face serums to reverse the damage of the sleepless weekend and expensive water like Fuji to flush the crap you inhaled
  5. when you drive somewhere you look at yourself in the rearview and say “huh? how the eff did I get here?”

Do yourself and anyone else in your line of fire a favor; keep to yourself, lie dormant and don’t come public until all symptoms have passed..

Happy Monday, Tuesday!

Jaclyn xo


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