Tag Archives: poolside

Mojitos and Mondays

This weekend we passed our Saturday at a backyard pool party and bbq, which was graciously hosted at our friends home in a quaint town 20 minutes from where we live — thanks Seyward and Jay! We chilled poolside, got over served on mojitos (thanks again Jay), swined out on lime cupcakes, had a drunken late night dip and partied like sorority girls until dawn. I’d say it was a success!

Sunday was a whole new day, our alfresco affair was fantastic, only I was suffering from a cuban highball comma and found myself cursing the sun wishing I was wrapped in my duvet.  I’m positive I wasn’t the greatest company, but I aspired to be?

Today was back to reality.  Work, gym, laundry, cook, then more work.  I am trying to be more organized so I have devised a “Own my life” list of things I will own throughout the work week.  Here’s my first:

  1. Sugar free – I am giving up sugar for the week, I was on sweet overdrive on the weekend – I’m owning my cravings
  2. Sobriety – I’m having a dry week, I am using the warm weather as an excuse to cocktail every night, it’s criminal. I’m owning sobriety.
  3. Start my bubble chandelier – this requires a post of its own.
  4. Finish all my work for month’s end before month end – and work my little a*s off so I own my vacation.
  5. Buy myself a well deserved pair of shoes – it’s been a few weeks.

Today I was 85% on task for my list. And I was asked to do a very exciting review for a very exciting magazine! It’s been a good Monday. No prescription medication required.

Just one more hour….


Makes me giggle…but so true

Happy Monday

Jaclyn xo







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